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The Smart Future of Senior 生活

It is a well-known fact that the UK population is getting older, with almost 25% expected to be over 65 by 2040. 装配工, healthier and wealthier than previous seniors, 这一代人将退休视为探索其他职业和激情的机会,比如音乐, 写作, 或艺术. Alongside this fresh start lies a desire...




It is a well-known fact that the UK population is getting older, with almost 25% expected to be over 65 by 2040. 装配工, healthier and wealthier than previous seniors, 这一代人将退休视为探索其他职业和激情的机会,比如音乐, 写作, 或艺术. 在这个全新的开始的同时,人们也希望尽可能长时间地在自己的家中保持独立和健康. 下一代老年人希望在需要的时候提供护理服务, and access to acute hospital care available if essential. 当人们呆在自己的家里,保持健康和独立, it eases the pressure on Health and Social Care 服务, making a better situation for all.

In order to fulfil these wishes we need to design good quality, 灵活和适应性强的新住房在居住者的一生中都是适用的. 住房应支持老年人保持健康和独立, and enable them to play an active and meaningful role in society.

适当的住宿可以让人们独立快乐地生活更长时间, delaying or preventing the need for residential care. By avoiding unnecessary hospital admission, this allows for people to live more comfortably and for 长.

Beyond peoples’ wishes and the savings to society, 设计和开发促进独立的住房还有另一个原因——可能缺乏护理人员. 在英国,任何时候都有9万个护理职位的招聘广告. 当我们变老, 我们大多数人都需要更多的照顾,需要更多的创新技术,以适应我们不断变化的需求. 在未来, 在护理卧室或公寓中嵌入的传感器不仅可以用来检测运动和睡眠质量, but also to monitor a person’s health. 这反过来可以帮助预防疾病,并确保药物是正确的. 收集到的数据可以被医生和卫生保健专业人员用来预测跌倒, track heart rates or even check for signs of a stroke. 最近,堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas)的学生在他们的实验室展示了这样的创新 获奖设计 for the Senior Housing 新闻 Design Competition.


A Tech-Assisted Transition

In the UK, WSC Care already uses innovative acoustic monitoring -一种非侵入式系统,用于夜间监控每个房间的异常声音, sending alerts to manage if further care is needed. 这项技术消除了每小时敲门作为夜间检查的一部分的需要, meaning that residents can sleep undisturbed, positively effecting their mental and physical wellbeing.

布里斯托机器人实验室等机器人技术可以进一步支持家庭护理和独立. 那里的研究人员一直在开发一种多体天花板式机器人护理系统,名为“JUVA’. JUVA could help a person with personal hygiene tasks, 帮助他们为新的一天做好准备,甚至支持他们在厨房准备他们最喜欢的饭菜. JUVA的各种组件可以混合和匹配,使客户能够承担广泛的独立家庭任务,或协助护理人员为越来越多的客户提供援助. Although still in the future a mass application, it is worth remembering th­­­­at even now, technology exists for robot vacuums, 家庭安全, temperature regulation and other levels of home assistance.

When it comes to our own work, AG平台一直走在设计创新解决方案的最前沿,以协助独立, 健康生活. Our work as specialist advisors on the NHS Healthy New Towns 项目将创建更健康、更一体化的社区,影响英国多达58,000个新家庭. Beyond this project, 我们一直在探索将医疗保健服务和独立家庭护理结合起来的新方法 永恒的生活 程序. We believe that everyone benefits when people get to live healthier, 长, and happier lives- and this should be a shared goal for us all.


图片由 Nathália Bariani on Unsplash

Maarit is an experienced, 拥有多年高知名度和屡获殊荣的庇护和额外护理住房经验的特许建筑师, retirement villages and care homes located throughout the UK.

Maarit specializes in architecture and design for over 55’s, 设计定制和鼓舞人心的住宅建筑,在考虑居民健康和福祉的同时,在设计中考虑灵活性,以满足不断变化的需求和个性. Each design is a unique response to the site and brief, and developed through a dialogue with clients and end-users. During her 职业生涯, her designs have achieved several awards for design quality, 最近的一次是2018年医疗保健设计奖和2017年住房设计奖.

Maarit设计的退休生活项目价值超过2000万英镑. Working with some of the largest local authorities, 慈善机构, housing associations and private developers in the UK, 她的知识为她提供了该领域的最佳实践知识和创新.

Headshot of Maarit Heinonen-smith

写的 Maarit Heinonen-smith

Studio Associate Director